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Aṣṭāṅga Yoga अष्टाङ्ग योग (Eight Limbs of Yoga)

Photo du rédacteur: Eugénie OuerghiEugénie Ouerghi

Today, Yoga (योग) is popular mostly as another form of fitness or gymnastics. But physical postures, also called Asanas (Āsana आसन) are just a small portion of Yoga.

In the traditional form of Yoga, Asanas were primarily used as a way to prepare the body for long periods of meditation.

Yoga is in reality a way of living. And a good way to show what yoga really represents is by introducing the classification of Yoga found in The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali : The Eight Limbs of Yoga, or Ashtanga (Aṣṭāṅga अष्टाङ्ग) Yoga (Ashta = eight ; Anga = limb) as it shows eight stages in the path of Yoga that require a lifetime (or more) to be fully integrated.

1st limb : YAMA (यम)

  • Physical level

  • Outer world

  • Suppression

  • Self-restraint

  • Five social and ethical rules of conduct :

    1. Ahimsa (Ahiṃsā अहिंसा) : Non-violence ; Not harming or injuring others ; Kindness ; Compassion ; Safeness ; Security

    2. Satya (सत्य) : Truth ; Sincerity ; Honesty ; Goodness ; Purity ; Knowledge

    3. Asteya (अस्तेय) : Not-stealing from others (ideas, time, energy)

    4. Brahmacharya (brahmacarya ब्रह्मचर्य) : Conduct of Brahman ; Moderation ; Continence ; Chastity ; Sexual integrity

    5. Aparigraha (अपरिग्रह) : Non-possessiveness ; Renouncing ; Deprivation ; Renunciation ; Destitution ; Poverty ; Generosity

2nd limb : NIYAMA (नियम)

  • Physical level

    • Inner world

    • Suppression

    • Self-restraint

    • Five personal and spiritual rules of conduct :

  1. Shaucha (Śauca शौच) : Cleanliness ; Self-purification on the physical and mental levels ; Evacuation of excrement

  2. Santosha (santoṣa सन्तोष) : Contentment ; Joy ; Satisfaction ; Practice of being happy

  3. Tapas (तपस्) : Austerity ; Perseverance ; Asceticism ; Pain ; Suffering ; Exposing ourselves purposefully to a challenging situation while keeping our mind calm.

  4. Swadhyaya (Svādhyāya स्वाध्याय) : Repetition of Mantras ; Self-study ; Study of any holly book or sacred text (like the Veda), or any other subject, in order to learn

  5. Ishvara Pranidhana (Īśvarapraṇidhāna ईश्वरप्रणिधान) : Devotion to God (or the unknown) ; Prayer to the Lord (the Supreme Soul) ; Giving up our personal effort because we can not do more, and letting some other force (human, animal, nature, or divine help) carry us along ; Surrendering to God, or the unknown, doesn't mean demanding.

3rd limb : ASANA (Āsana आसन)

  • Pysical level

  • Body

  • Posture practice

  • Asana helps remove physical & mental toxins that create stiffness & tension in the body (muscles, blood, skin, bones, fascia, ...)

  • "Sthira Sukham Āsanam" : "The posture must be steady and comfortable" (YS II:46)

4th limb : PRANAYAMA (Prāṇāyāma प्राणायाम)

  • Pysical level

  • Prana (prāṇa प्राण) = vital energy, life force

  • Mindful Breathing

  • Controlling the mind by controlling the breath.

  • Inhales & exhales gently become slower, more equanimous, more spaced. (YS II:49)

5th limb : PRATYAHARA (Pratyāhāra प्रत्याहार)

  • Physical level

  • Indriya (इन्द्रिय) = Five sense organs (eyes, nose, ears, tongue, skin)

  • Abstraction

  • Retreat

  • Drawing back

  • Withdrawal of the senses

  • Dissolution of the outer world

  • Controlling the mind by overcoming sensory distractions (sound, smell, touch, sight, taste).

  • Turning our awareness inward, within ourselves. (YS II:54)

6th limb : DHARANA (Dhāraṇā धारण)

  • Mental level

  • Conscious state

  • One-pointed Concentration

  • Fixing our attention upon one point, object, or idea. After a while, when we close our eyes, we should be able to bring a mental picture of the object of concentration. (YS III:1)

7th limb : DHYANA (Dhyāna ध्यान)

  • Mental level

  • Unconscious state

  • Seeing with the mind's eye

  • Reflection

  • Contemplation

  • Meditation

8th limb : SAMADHI (Samādhi समाधि)

  • Mental level

  • Superconscious state

  • Accomplishment

  • Being Whole

  • Pure Bliss

  • In Constant Harmony with the Universe

  • Union between Atman (individual soul) and Brahman (Universal Soul), which is the goal of Yoga.

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